Senin, 15 April 2019


The positive dynamics of growth and popularity of cryptocurrencies pleases many specialists, especially when they themselves are the driving force that pushes progress. People can no longer discard the fact that a new stage of life has begun. It is more technological, faster, more practical and safer. The crypto-currency market is a new global industry on which tens of thousands of specialists are working, developing new solutions, new concepts, new platforms for interaction. Just imagine how much now all talented people "boil" the brain in the process of creating something new or Vice versa processing the old, but adapted to the new. To be honest, this idea simply delights me, because what would such a powerful mental potential of the population do if they did not have new food for the mind as blockchain and cryptocurrency technology?!

But today we will not disclose the second side of this issue, and will focus on another unique work created and registered with the support of the state of the UAE. Interesting? Then let's go!

About the project

Meet Atronocom is a new decentralized project, developed their DAPP the app. The main mission of the project is to prove the reverse side of the use of cryptocurrencies to people through high-quality works, functions and tools.

That is, to change some negative attitudes to positive ones, thereby destroying some silly myths that it is difficult, difficult and very inconvenient to use cryptocurrencies. Simply put, Atronocom is committed to making the lives of its users not only simple but also advanced through high-tech products and tools.

Design feature

Atronocom has a huge variety of features and one of them is the legal framework that allowed to register your company as a limited liability company, not anywhere there, but in Dubai. With the support of the UAE government and cooperation with the world market of Abu Dhabi.

Such a powerful Foundation contributes to the high-quality and high-tech development of Atronocom, especially since it intends to go a slightly different way, which means not to use the classic ICO scheme, replacing it with SAFT. For those who do not know what SAFT explain. SAFT is a kind of investment contract of the future token. It is concluded mainly with accredited investors and has some conditions under the contract. What kind of conditions, the company sets itself. The abandonment of the more classical format (ICO) will allow Atronocom to quickly gain the necessary amount of investment and, as a result, much faster to start all the workflows for the development of its decentralized ecosystem.


As you know Atronocom have very serious intentions and this is no accident. After all, its developed DAPP application is able to provide the user with all the necessary tools of the crypto-currency and banking world.

That is, Atronocom simultaneously includes:
  • online banking payments;
  • debit cards, which can be paid in more than 40 million locations around the world;
  • mobile Stacking on iOS and Android will also be available as part of Atronocom;
  • OTC exchange;
  • reliable built-in Messenger available to absolutely everyone for safe communication.

If we talk about some specific points separately, for example for debit cards will be available a full list of features and services with which the user will be able not only to manage their DAPP accounts, but also to purchase various goods and services, use the Concierge service, make any bonus programs and much more.

As for the banking business, everything is much bigger. First, the user will be able to buy/sell any cryptocurrencies available in the system quickly and at the most favorable prices. Secondly, you will be able to use a Bank account in Switzerland or Luxembourg, as well as send or receive funds through SERA/SWIFT. Thirdly, Atronocom capable of providing high load transfers up to EUR 1 million, and reduce the costs of making such transactions. All these conditions are necessary for the implementation of high-quality and highly efficient work. Moreover, Atronocom will be available multicurrency card which can be used up to 5 currencies simultaneously.


As for the tokens, their number will be limited, only 440 million coins. When carrying out SAFT, 5 stages of "sales" will be allocated where the ATROM token will be available with a particular discount.

After the completion of SAFT, the proceeds will be distributed as a percentage as follows: 50% will be allocated for product promotion and marketing, 30% for product development, 10% for the entire legal and corporate structure, the remaining 10% will remain in reserve for various force majeure circumstances.



Of course, the review of this project is purely for informational purposes, since hardly any of you has the status of an accredited investor. Nevertheless, I am very glad that such “giants” appear on the market of the crypto-currency industry, and it is impossible to call them otherwise. If the project itself has a powerful beginning and develops under the guidance of the state of the UAE, then what indulgences and defects in General can be discussed.

So do not lose sight of this project, follow its news and use its product with pleasure, as soon as it will be available to the masses of society. If you want to get acquainted with Atronocom in more detail, then at the end of the article you will find all the necessary information available on the official and social resources of the project!

Official resources of the Atronocom project:


By Martin Vunk


Atronocom wurde als neuer Schritt ins Leben gerufen, um die Blockchain-Branche zur vollständigen Dezentralisierung zu drängen, sodass sogar Smartphones in Ihrer Tasche für die Zukunft funktionieren. Die Welt der Kryptowährung und die damit verbundenen Anforderungen werden immer komplexer. Insbesondere im Bereich der Entwicklung von langfristig wertvoller Kryptowährung und verwandten Projekten sowie sicherer und anonymer Kommunikation, Zahlungsmethoden und deren Anwendungen sind noch viele Entwicklungen erforderlich, um nur echte unvollkommene zu implementieren. Marktnachfrage.
Das Atronocom-Team arbeitet hart und kann Projekte für verschiedene große Unternehmen entwickeln und warten, während es die reiche Erfahrung von ATRONOCOM Ltd. sammelt.
Atronocoms Vision:
ATRONOCOM positioniert sich als sichere Plattform in einem der am schnellsten wachsenden Märkte der Welt.
ATRONOCON möchte Investoren und Teilnehmern das Leben mit einfachen, aber sehr komplexen Technologien und Produkten erleichtern.
Atroncom wird praktische Erfahrungen liefern und eine transparente Garantie und einen Informationsaustausch zwischen den betroffenen Parteien bieten.
ATRONOCOM möchte, dass die Ergebnisse der jüngsten Studien Kunden und Partnern mit einem angemessenen Preis-Qualitäts-Verhältnis und Sicherheitsbedenken zur Verfügung stehen.
Smartphones sind zu einer Notwendigkeit geworden, die nicht jeder vermeiden kann, da die Nutzungsintensität und -vielfalt mit der Entwicklung des Geräts zunehmen wird. Fans der ersten Stunde der Kryptobewegung sind jetzt 60 Jahre alt. Daher ist das Alter der von uns entwickelten Produkte und der dazugehörigen Produkte ein wichtiger Faktor für die Beurteilung und Entscheidung von Atronocom.
Atronocom beschloss, den Weg des SAFT Crowd Sales (Simple Future Token Agreement) zu beschreiten, um Spenden zu sammeln, um im Interesse unserer Nutzer und Unterstützer schneller und stärker vorankommen zu können.
Für das "Ausschreibungsverfahren" hat Atronocom eine POS / DPoS-Matching-Methode gewählt und wird in der Lage sein, vielen Mitarbeitern und Netzwerken beizutreten, wo sie mit Token arbeiten und somit am Projekt teilnehmen können. Laut Atronocom ist der POS-Anreizmechanismus eine Form der angemessenen Beteiligung der Teilnehmer und ihrer Netzwerke.
Name: Atronok Token- 
Symbol: ATRO 
Plattform: Einzelblockkette 
Typ: Eigener 
Preis in ICO: 0,6000 USD
Team Atronok
Thomas Koller-CEO 
Dank seiner Position als CEO sowie der analytischen und konzeptionellen Planung haben Thomas und sein Team ein Projekt begonnen, das über einen langen Zeitraum vorbereitet wurde.
Physimayer Manual-COO 
Als „Chief Operating Officer“ ist Manuel im Tagesgeschäft tätig und kontrolliert jede Arbeitsgruppe, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu gewährleisten.
Maximilian Kozdro CC -CCO 
Als Kommunikationsmanager und treibende Kraft eines der größten Kryptonetzwerke Europas
Nicholas Schmid, Softwareentwicklungsexperte 
Mark Schildknecht-LIDING TECHNOLOGY 
Seit 2015 ist Mark führend bei Bergbauprojekten in der Schweiz und im Ausland.
Seit Jahrzehnten arbeitet Tino mit unseren Meinungsmachern und Führungskräften der Gemeinschaft als Motivatoren und Trainer zusammen.
Peter Wong - CONSELOR 
Vorstandsmitglied Apex Capital Ventures HK LTD.
Ehemaliger HSBC-Bankier und Angestellter der Rechtsabteilung für Recht und Compliance in Singapur der HSBC. 
Alexander Sabeti-CONSELOR 
Alexander ist ein leitendes Mitglied der Apex Capital Ventures Ltd. und ist seit 1993 im Finanzsektor tätig.
Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte dem Link unten:

By Martin Vunk 


The Atronocom team developed a decentralized application (DApp) for the most popular smartphone platforms, which provides complete secure control over our own funds in combination with the new blockchain technology to ensure fast, stable and transparent use of all our products. One of these products will be our “bidding process” in which everyone can participate. Our “breakdown process” uses the “Stake proof / delegated stake proof” consensus (POS / DPoS), which is currently the most advanced. 
With the help of the massive sale of SAFT (Simple Agreement on the Future Token), we intend to restore user confidence and change all negative user experiences to positive ones. On the following pages you will find more information about the project.
Smartphones have become a necessity that cannot be avoided by all, because the intensity of use and diversity will grow with the development of the device. Fans from the first hour of the crypto movement are now approaching 60 years of age. Thus, the age of the products we developed and their associated products is an important factor in Atronocom's judgments and decisions. 
Atronocom decided to follow the path of the SAFT Crowd Sales (Simple Future Token Agreement) in order to raise funds in order to move faster and more in the interests of our users and supporters.
For the “bidding process”, Atronocom chose a POS / DPoS matching methodology and will be able to join many employees and networks where they work with tokens, and thus be able to participate in the project. According to Atronocom, the POS incentive mechanism is a form of appropriate participation of participants and their networks.
ATRONOCOM is positioning itself as a secure platform in one of the fastest growing markets in the world. ATRONOCOM wants to make life easier for investors and participants with simple, but complex technologies and products. ATRONOCOM will provide practical user experience, transparently guarantees and promotes the exchange of information between the parties involved. ATRONOCOM wants to provide customers and partners with access to the results achieved as a result of research and development in recent years, with a reasonable price-quality ratio.
Light nodes or SPV nodes that load block headers verify the authenticity of the transaction. They use full nodes as intermediaries. Light Node clients are supported by full nodes for many operations: from querying the latest headers to account balances in the account to introducing real rates. This saves battery and storage space.
In the first release, we connect smartphones by connecting wallets to relay nodes that have full API functionality and serve for multi-functional clients. Investors can put their coins in a cell phone wallet and select delegates based on the weight of their votes. Delegates can create new units on the network, and they will be rewarded for services, which will then again be shared by customers of bright nodes. This process will continue to expand until the full confirmation process is completed using a smartphone.
The bank card is connected directly to the ATRONOCOM system and can be used in almost 40 million. Contact points worldwide.
Buy and sell cryptocurrencies using over-the-counter trading services 
Day trading, margin trading and crypto mining 
IBAN bank account in Luxembourg or Switzerland 
Receive and send money via SWIFT / SEPA 
FX - exchange currency at interbank exchange rates 
Escrow service without third parties 
High limit loads up to 1 million euros per year 
high spending limit of up to 30 000 euros per transaction 
maximum limit of EUR 100 000 per month 
Simple activation 
multicurrency cards (available 5 rates) 
Anonymous has - the owner's name to mouths are not displayed. 
Securely send and receive messages and files 
. Wallet function is connected.
P2P VOIP encryption 
Video calls and chat 
Group chat 
Broadcast function 
Security settings 
Voice mail (audio) 
Emoji and gifs

By Martin Vunk