TIHOSAY allows TIHOSAY token and other cryptocurrencies to be a payment method by creating its own exchange market and VISA® DEBIT CARD types. We gather all merchants/users under one roof.
An exchange opportunity is offered to merchants for their digital assets without any commission by providing free daily exchange rights in TIHOSAY exchange. All TIHOSAY VISA® DEBIT CARD users can convert 9 different supported cyrptocurrencies to local FIAT, withdraw cash, and for shopping.
Here is TIHOSAY VISA® DEBIT CARD that allows you to convert multiple crypto assets to local FIAT and offers simultaneous Online/Offline Spending/Withdrawal.
You can convert your ETH/BTC/ETC/LTC/XRP/NEO / DASH/XMR/ZEC assets safely, quickly and simply to FIAT with excellent interbank conversion rates. You can easily send your assets as local currencies in other countries
You convert some crypto assets into a local FIAT and offer Spend or
1. Online Withdrawal
2. Offline simultaneously.
can convert assets
has a quick and young excess to FIAT with an excellent interbank conversion ratio. You can easily send your assets as local currency in other countries.
you can see the tihosa exchange chart in the following picture.
Here is TIHOSAY VISA® DEBIT CARD that allows you to convert multiple crypto assets to local FIAT and offers simultaneous Online/Offline Spending/Withdrawal.
You can convert your ETH/BTC/ETC/LTC/XRP/NEO / DASH/XMR/ZEC assets safely, quickly and simply to FIAT with excellent interbank conversion rates. You can easily send your assets as local currencies in other countries
You convert some crypto assets into a local FIAT and offer Spend or
1. Online Withdrawal
2. Offline simultaneously.
can convert assets
has a quick and young excess to FIAT with an excellent interbank conversion ratio. You can easily send your assets as local currency in other countries.
you can see the tihosa exchange chart in the following picture.
TIHOSA, also aims to significantly increase spending by providing many benefits to merchants along with general exchange users. You can use all services with one TIHOSAY account. The TIHOSAY EXCHANGE platform allows converting cryptocurrencies to CASH.
TIHOSAY is an Investment for the Future for Everyone
We aim to develop a platform where all our users can carry out their operations easily.We are taking many steps to increase the use of cryptocurrencies of everyone.We provide many innovations and advantage for all of our users who use this platform.
Tihosay inheritance
Your investments are also secured with TIHOSAY after you. In case of possible death, all Users can choose as many inheritors as they want and provide unique percentage for each person.
Inheritor information is safely stored in the BlockChain thanks to smart contracts. A special code is created for each inheritor when the inheritance list is completed. Generated inheritance code may be canceled at any time by the account holder
ico sale has still yet to launch
Only Ethereum is accepted. Do not send Ether from addresses you do not have full control over. Be sure to use a token that is compatible with wallets such as MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Mist, etc.
Token Sale
TIHOSAY — THO / ERC-20 Token Total token supply (max): 100,000,000 THO Token sale: 65,000,000. Tihosay Pre-ICO will begin March 25th,2018 at 10:00:00 UTC.- Tokens separated for the future and team will be remain locked for 12 months with smart contracts.
If the Pre-ICO will be completed successfully,Soft Cap will not be available in ICO rounds.
pre-ico 25 march 2018 10:00:00
Not only that, behind this nickname, there are important people or (team) who are eager to advance this project to succeed, you can know all below
- TIHOSAY Idea CreatedQ1 2017
- Research and Team FormationQ3 2017
- Design of TIHOSAY Cards and Pre-AgreementsQ4 2017
- ICO initiatedQ1 2018
- Quick Growth Of The Entire PlatformQ2 2018
- TIHOSAY Exchange and Applications are OperationalQ3 2018
- VISA® Fund Liquid Pool FormationQ4 2018
- Distribution of TIHOSAY CardsQ4 2018
WhitePaper: https://tihosay.io/assets/blockchain/layer/Tihosay-WP.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tihosayio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tihosay
Medium: https://medium.com/@tihosay/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjEYa94fnboiPNQJH6CocHg/
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3101808.0
Telegram: https://t.me/tihosayio
By Martin Vunk :
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